Propionyl-l-carnitine (PLCAR), esterified form of carnitine, with anti-oxidant and neuroprotective potential, involved in processes related to energy conversion of fats, characterized by higher bioavailability and chemical stabilization than carnitine in free form. It affects the functioning of the circulatory and cardiac muscle. Increases concentration of carnitine in muscles without influencing insulin levels. Especially used while reducing body fat. Supports the exercise capacity and regeneration (strength, endurance, psychomotor capacity) contributing to the improvement of the body condition and body aesthetics. In the sports supplementation it is available as mono-preparation supplements (powder) and a multi-component preparations, used in strength and endurance sports and in the reduction of fat, a wide range of the supplements at
Dosage: customarily in the supplementation - 0.5 - 2g.24h